Rosanne Ferraiuolo, ERYT 500, Reiki Master - Studio FounderRosanne Ferraiuolo, ERYT500 is the owner and Director of Simplicity Yoga Studio, and the founder and lead teacher of the Simplicity Yoga Teacher Training Institute. She opened Simplicity Yog…

Rosanne Ferraiuolo, ERYT 500, Reiki Master - Studio Founder

Rosanne Ferraiuolo, ERYT500 is the owner and Director of Simplicity Yoga Studio, and the founder and lead teacher of the Simplicity Yoga Teacher Training Institute. She opened Simplicity Yoga Studio in 2009 with the hopes of creating a center of wellness and harmony in the community. She truly enjoys the creativity that vinyasa offers her as an instructor, and loves finding new challenges for her students each week. Rosanne infuses her classes with the philosophy of yoga and encourages her students to explore the way we hold the experiences of our lives inside our physical bodies. She believes that yoga is a celebration of all that we are as human beings: physical, fascinating bodies having an intellectually complex spiritual experience.

Mary Kay Diehl, ERYT 500, Physical Therapist AssistantMary Kay Diehl, E-RYT500, licensed NYS Physical Therapist Assistant, has been practicing yoga since the late 90s and began her teaching career 15 years ago training with Alan Finger, the founder of ISHTA yoga (Integrative Science of Hatha Tantra and Ayurveda) and the NYC Yoga Works studios.She considers yoga an inward conversation of self exploration, the physical practice of asana poetry in motion; each opportunity you unroll your mat is a new chance to discover more about yourself, your unbound potential, an opportunity to return home.Through her teaching career, she has taken part in multiple anatomy trainings, functional movement certifications specifically targeting skilled movement through yoga asana. After years of dedicated study she officially became a licensed NYS Physical Therapist Assistant working in an outpatient orthopedic setting. In the summer of 2020, Mary Kay began to delve into understanding the energy body with the certification course Energy Medicine with Donna Eden. She is also Seraphim Blueprint Level 5 certified.Mary Kay uses her extensive knowledge of the human body as her foundational element to build her classes. With a keen eye and succinct instruction she builds a safe, stable base for her students to grow.

Mary Kay Diehl, ERYT 500, Physical Therapist Assistant, Yoga Therapist in training, Reiki Practitioner

Mary Kay Diehl, E-RYT500, licensed NYS Physical Therapist Assistant, has been practicing yoga since the late 90s and began her teaching career 15 years ago training with Alan Finger, the founder of ISHTA yoga (Integrative Science of Hatha Tantra and Ayurveda) and the NYC Yoga Works studios.

Through her teaching career, she has taken part in multiple anatomy trainings, functional movement certifications specifically targeting skilled movement through yoga asana. After years of dedicated study she officially became a licensed NYS Physical Therapist Assistant working in an outpatient orthopedic setting. In the summer of 2020, Mary Kay began to delve into understanding the energy body with the certification course Energy Medicine with Donna Eden. She is also Seraphim Blueprint Level 5 certified.

Summer 2021 Mary Kay began the process of 800+ hour training to become a Certified Yoga Therapist via Integral Yoga Institute. With ultimate designation of C-IAYT, Mary Kay embraces yoga as a healing approach to various musculoskeletal, mental-emotional and spiritual needs. Yoga is a beautiful multi-faceted approach that is available to absolutely everyone.

Mary Kay uses her extensive knowledge of the human body as her foundational element to build her classes. With a keen eye and succinct instruction she builds a safe, stable base for her students to grow.

Lana Engelhart, ERYT 500

Lana Engelhart, ERYT 500, has been teaching vinyasa flow on Long Island since 2008, having completed her training with Laurie Ahlemann. She is a former Lululemon ambassador and was featured in the book and dvd series, Yoga: Anatomy of Fitness. She loves making her ballet background a part of all the classes through music and sequencing.
Lana’s classes are mainly peak pose style, with foreshadowed vinyasa sequences culminating in a tricky pose made manageable. She enjoys the teachings of Jason Crandell, and is very influenced by Dice Ida Klein as well. Lana is the proud mom of Sonya and Gabriella, and calls St. James home.

Tova Ferraiuolo, ERYT 200, Reiki MasterTova earned her Yoga Alliance-recognized 200-hour teacher certification through Liberation Yoga and Wellness Center's School of Yoga (Mahopac, NY) in March 2013, in the Vinyasa tradition. Having been a dancer f…

Tova Ferraiuolo, ERYT 200, Reiki Master

Tova earned her Yoga Alliance-recognized 200-hour teacher certification through Liberation Yoga and Wellness Center's School of Yoga (Mahopac, NY) in March 2013, in the Vinyasa tradition. Having been a dancer for many years, she thought she knew what being connected to her body meant. However, her journey with Yoga has made her realize how much growth is always possible. The training Tova received not only helped forge a deeper relationship with her body, but also her with connection to Reiki energy, and most importantly, with her soul. Tova believes, "Every day brings new flexibility and new challenges. It is our responsibility to ourselves to honor where we are today, as opposed to where we were yesterday, or where we hope to be tomorrow. Only by serving our present needs can we continue to grow from the past, and be stronger for the future." It is Tova's goal as a teacher is to serve the whole person: physically, mentally and spiritually. Developing deeper body awareness, creating a strong and flexible body and mind, and rewarding oneself for a job well done will always be encouraged in her classes. A hearty dose of laughter and a sense of humor should also be expected. Tova looks forward to continuing on her yogic journey with each of her clients, for often our most valuable teachers are our own students.

Jennifer Kelly, Health Coach, KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor

Jennifer is a KRI Certified Kundalini teacher as well as a Certified Holistic Health Coach and graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. In 2017, she was introduced to Kundalini Yoga at a conference, and was so struck by its power that she began a regular practice immediately. She found that Kundalini Yoga added a deeper level of healing in her own self-care practice. Jennifer entered teacher training the following year in order to be fully immersed in the teachings and to be able to share their wisdom and message of empowerment, self love and oneness.

Jennifer is also the founder of Feeding Your Life, Inc., as well as, both dedicated to supporting those seeking to improve their health and overall happiness through whole food and self care. After a health crisis prompted her to seek natural healing, she left her job as a high school teacher to dedicate herself to a holistic lifestyle and turned her health around. Jennifer now instructs her clients on healthy lifestyle practices, self-care and nutrition. Kundalini Yoga is an essential part of what she offers. She has a private practice called Feeding Your Life, and has written The Healthy Kitchen 101 and Freedom Eating.

Nancy Estherson, RYT200

1992 Reebok National Aerobic Champion, ESPN Fitness Pro, Host of Hollywood East Pilot, Star of over 50 fitness videos, and Massage Therapist since 1989. Nancy has grown and studied spirituality for many years. By this faith has gotten her through very tough times and by this faith growth and study has developed an awareness of consciousness that has given her the ability to receive Divine guidance with the words and direction from the Divine so the sitter receives peace of mind and clarity specific to them.

Marie Viscardi, RYT200
Marie is a licensed clinical social worker and brings her knowledge of human behavior to her teaching. Not only does she teach yoga to everybody, but she teaches it for Every Body. Providing a judgment free zone, Marie allows a fun and inviting practice to the mat. Marie incorporates her knowledge of the Asanas, emotional growth, and self compassion to her classes.

Off the mat, Marie is an essential oil, astrology, and crystal enthusiast. She is local to Kings Park, and you can almost always find her at the Bluff with a coffee in hand, feel free to say hello!

Sabrina Fregara, ERYT 500

Sabrina discovered her love for yoga the moment she began college. Her yoga practice provided a sense of calm and focus that gave her the opportunity to succeed in her studies. She graduated from CW Post, LIU, in 2008 with a Bachelors of Science from The College of Management with a concentration in Finance. Shortly after graduation she obtained security and insurance licenses and continues to work in the financial sector.

Yoga inspired her so much that she wanted to advance her yoga practice. Sabrina was taught by Lucia Tucci DiPalo, ERYT 500, from The Yoga Room School of Long Island, receiving her RYT 200 in 2017. She was then taught by Rosanne Ferraiuolo, ERYT 500, at Simplicity Yoga and accomplished her RYT 300 in 2020.  

Sabrina is drawn to the philosophy of yoga, alignment of the asanas, pranayama and mediation. She enjoys teaching her yoga classes with a focus on steadiness and ease, mindfulness, moving with the breath and balance. She is very thankful for her yoga journey.  Sabrina lives in Northport, New York with her husband James and son James Jr.

Meg Messina, ERYT 500

Meg has always been interested in fitness and nutrition. After experiencing debilitating lower back and leg pain she turned to Yoga and Pilates to strengthen her core and gain flexibility. Becoming instantly intrigued and at times even obsessed, it became her primary source of exercise. It was never her intention to become a wellness instructor, however, during a time of self evolution and growth and transition she found her true passion and she became certified in Yoga and Pilates. Realizing the combination of Yoga and Pilates brought such balance and a sense of peace and calm to her own life, she wanted to share this with others. In yoga, we talk about Dharma ~ ones true desire, the one thing you’re meant to do in your life...I believe that teaching wellness is my Dharma.

Meg holds certifications in: Mat Pilates and Reformer, 500Hr E-RYT Yoga Alliance, Yin Yoga and Barre

Susan Rodichok, RYT, RCTY

Sue is an experienced elementary school teacher who has been a long time practitioner of yoga. She merged her two passions when she became a yoga teacher. Susan practices all types of yoga and is registered to teach not only Children’s Yoga, but also Vinyasa Yoga, and Stand Up Paddle Board Yoga. She has taught yoga and mindfulness for the past several years at the elementary school where she teaches, and is now reaching out to the community. Susan has assisted many elementary school and middle school aged children to learn and implement the strategies of breath, movement, and connection to others to overcome their daily stressors. She embraces the words of Aristotle in her teaching: “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”

Beth Trama, RYT 500

Is a Registered Yoga Teacher (200hrRYT) with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of yoga teacher training with an approved and active Registered Yoga School (RYS.) She is currently working toward completing her 300Hour Teacher Training.

A little about me:

I’ve always felt drawn to the physical practice of yoga & especially listening to the teachers message of the day. The inner peace I would find within myself after becoming still & allowing myself to breathe was what made me want to learn more. The idea of bringing what I experience on the yoga mat into my everyday life quickly became a goal of mine.

I found myself in a space that represents the things we value & look for in our everyday life: creativity, manifestation, love, power, protection & reinvention. It’s here with fellow instructors & yogis with whom I could connect, for guidance, growth, strength & everything else in between.

Carefully structuring classes around yoga philosophy, sanskrit, chakras, meditation, mantras, pranayama, and safe sequencing, I challenge my students to grow through meeting their physical edge with a nurturing friendliness. I teach my students to practice listening, both to their bodies & most importantly to each inhale & exhale.

The most important message I learned in my practice & teacher training is that it is a constant practice. It takes energy. A desire. A wish. A love note to yourself, to listen to the subtleties in everyday life & live paying attention so we not only feed ourselves but to better serve others & live a life in harmony together.

Jenn Converse, 200 hour Kripalu Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master

Jenn is in her 30’s and has had many unique opportunities and experiences throughout her life that contributed to the path she walks today. Jenn grew up as a competitive dancer and later trained at many prestigious schools for contemporary dance in New York City. She's graced the stage in an array of dance companies based both inside and outside of New York City. 

In her early 20's she experienced deep trauma which welcomed yoga and meditation into her life. Over the years, yoga brought much more than just physical relief, but a spiritual awakening as well. Yoga opened a door for Jenn which would lead her down a path of expansiveness and deep connection to self. Through vast practices of yoga, Jenn has found peace within herself and daily life, and strengthened relationships with others.

Jenn was granted a scholarship to the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health to become a Yoga Instructor and currently holds her 200 hour certification with an additional 75 hours in Advanced Pranayama, 75 hours in Guiding Meditation, and 75 hours in Leading Kripalu Vinyasa. Jenn is also a certified Reiki Master, and works with vibrational tuning and sound healing. Jenn’s mission is to help people come back home to themselves through compassionate, transformational yoga practices, deep meditation, and surrendering to the present moment. Working with Jenn will give you the tools to manage life with more comfort, ease, and self compassion... as well as learning more about the depth that resides within you.

Lana Zimmet, RYT500, Reiki Master

Lana first walked into a yoga class in NYC in 1999, and noticed from the first class how transformative the nature of the practice can be. By doing her teacher training in 2009, Lana committed herself to the practice on a deeper level and has been sharing the benefits of the practice with her students ever since.

Lana always strives to offer a balanced class, where the challenges are made accessible through a mindfully sequenced warm up, and followed by a restorative cool down. With a background in over a decade of Massage Therapy work and Reiki training, Lana is knowledgeable of the workings of the body on the subtle levels. Her teaching is also informed by her studies in Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and a number of Meditative Dance practices focused on exploring the connection between the mind and body.

Lana lives in Kings Park with her husband and two kids, and is grateful to share the gifts of yoga with the community.